How many times have you hooked-up with someone from work and
WISHED that they would mimic their work role? I have to admit, it’s
happened way too many times for me. Mind you, working in hospitality
management provides plenty of opportunity for flirt and fantasy. The
constant power play and banter, so many players with various roles, everyone
trying to sell themselves in one way or another. Most only succeed
at providing fun.
It’s been my experience that my work fantasy should be just that-
a work fantasy. I find myself attracted to people in their specified
roles, not as their daily selves… Every time an associate and I have
interacted outside of work, the fizz just wasn't there. Something
about the taboo of flirtation and sex on the job heightened my libido and made
that person more attractive to me. It wasn't the person, it was the
situation and the fact that I was in heat.
By heat I mean that my primitive side completely overpowered my
body. My body had a pulsating beacon that radiated from between my
thighs and bathed my senses in sensual cocaine and I needed. My
vagina pulsed with the sensations it wanted to impress upon some unsuspecting
cock, craving the feel of a stiff rod buried unflinchingly deep within its
tight folds…
Don’t get me wrong, the actions and mechanics of the person’s
foreplay and rhythm would influence my method of achieving orgasm, but I’d
achieve it regardless. That’s with every encounter. But
remove them from the work environment and I have to work so much harder to make
myself cum. At work, all it would take is the mere thought of
feeling their skin and sweet parts buried inside of me… My fantasy
made me cum faster than reality, if reality made me cum much at all.
Needless to say, I have an interesting fantasy reel that plays in
my mind when I need that extra push to send me over the edge of ecstasy.
Confession #1-
It kills me that I only have one lover now that actually role-plays with me
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